Saturday, May 1, 2010

Family Excursions

I just spent the last part of yesterday and the early part of today with my friend's family. There is nothing better than being with people who genuinely care about each other. I don't think I could ever turn down a chance to hang out with a family even if it's not my own. All the different personalities, the family secrets, the reminiscing, I could never pass it up. I have yet to find a family who didn't have a member that makes me think of one of my own family members and I have yet to leave anyone's family gathering feeling un-accepted and unloved. That's what I love about families - THERE'S LOVE EVERYWHERE! And, there was no difference last night/this morning. These recent festivities got me thinking about how awesome of a family I have. It also got me thinking about how the people who I consider to be part of my family are, for the most part, not actually related to me, but I love them just the same. Heck, I'd die for some of those buggers. It's all about the love man. It's a connector.

Feeding off that thought, a great show about the whole family/friends as family dynamic is How to Make It In America. I can't help but promote this show; it's hella realistic in depicting the lives of people just doing what they have to do to live life. Anyone can relate. HTMIIA's got a fun cast and a kind of honest indie look to it that I wasn't too sure about in the beginning but actually really works. Check it out on HBO.

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